Thursday, March 22, 2007

Back from the Sick

Once again I haven't reached my post quotient but this time I have a good excuse. I've been pretty under the weather lately. I missed all four of my classes and all three of my meetings on Tuesday for sitting on the couch in a daze. Since then I've been feeling better but my eyes are still kind of glazed over and sittinng through classes is pretty difficult.

When I realized that I was going to need a sick day I hoped it meant some big time knitting but things didn't work out the way I planned. I didn't get any knitting until tuesday night, when I worked on the lopi sweater through Spiderman 2 and an episode of Queer as Folk. I didn't get very far on the length but I got about half of the fair isle on the back done. It's turning out to be more complicated than I expected. Even though there are only two colors in the pattern for each row, I have to carry the main color along every row for the decreases. It gets to be pretty thick and I'm a bit worried about how it's going to effect the end product. Admittedly, the wrong side of my work doesn't look so great, but the floats are looking more tidy with every row. I'm still learning.

The socks haven't made much progress because they're travel socks and I haven't been doing very much travelling. The heel was turned on Monday and I didn't pick up the gusset until today. Oh well, lots of sock knitting will get done this weekend.

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